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Park Plazas has many amenities for residents:

  • Tennis & Pickleball Courts

  • Fenced Dog Park

  • Playgrounds

  • Exercise Equipment

  • Community Garden

  • Guest Parking Areas

  • RV Storage Yard

  • Walking Paths


Find details for each amenity on the FEATURES drop-down menu.  Find a map of the locations of our amenities and walking paths on the Walking Paths sub-menu.


Architectural Control

Park Plazas is a planned community.  There are several Governing Documents that provide legal control, available on the GOVERNANCE drop-down menu.  Click here: Governing Documents.  These documents help sustain the character of our overall community, and are important in maintaining our individual property values.


Making improvements to the exterior of your home must adhere to the Architectural Guidelines and requires an application for approval by the Architectural Control Committee (ACC) before construction begins.*

The ACC, consisting of volunteers who are Park Plazas residents, oversees the architectural control process. Permit forms, architectural guidelines, and other information can be found on the FEATURES drop-down sub menu.  Click here: Architectural Control.

* NOTE: Stucco, stucco paint, all trim, decks, garage doors, and fences must use colors specified in the Architectural Guidelines 2022.  This is true for both improvements and maintenance, whether or not a permit is required.


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